Capability – the fire in the equation.
People are the life blood of all enterprises, they are the organization. The success of the organization and the success of the individual is mutual and forms the intent of sustainable enterprises. It is the work of the organization to create the conditions, leadership, structure and systems to allow individuals to apply their capability, value add to the work and innovate.
Capability is defined as an interplay of a number of different aspects:
• Cognitive ability to handle the complexity of the task.
• Knowledge, skills and experience
• Values, i.e. finding meaning aligned with personal purpose
• Personality or temperament which may or may not be an inhibiting factor
• Wisdom
Research has shown that capability changes over time, in line with adult development and individuals can out grow work and greater challenge is sought. This leads to a dynamic career and shifts of being “in flow“ or “ out of flow” with work.
Being in-flow with work implies a match between an individual’s capability and the work, it is the zone of effective decision-making, creativity, purpose alignment and motivation. When either the work changes or the individual changes underutilization or over extension could take place.
Thus a fundamental principle of requisite enterprise is to ensure that there is a match between work and capability. Secondly individuals grow or shrink the work according to their capability.