Structure – building for success
Structure is the enabler of strategy; it is how we organize ourselves to achieve the purpose and intent of the organisation. How an organization is structured is related to the complexity of its environment, the intent, and the work to be done. All organisms have structure and Requisite Enterprise designs and develops organisations in this light – to the nature of things.
There are multiple dimensions which naturally occur in providing a form or structure ;
Vertically in terms of increasing levels of complexity and unique value-adding work – there are seven well defined themes of work (previously referred to as levels) with an understanding that there is a likelihood of an eighth level emerging. Each level or theme of work is different in nature but builds on the preceding levels. This forms the spine of the organization. Each work theme must be present for optimal effectiveness, empowerment, transparency, and trust. Click here to find out what happens if a work theme is missing.
Horizontal structure is how functions work across value chains. This leads to discrete clusters of roles, teams, projects, hubs, systems of work, ways of working and cross functional roles, to name a few. These become the organs and muscles of the organisational body, which are attached to the vertical spine.